Jeroma Tours
Bhutan Reisen
Tel.: +975 175 215 12

Bhutan Reisen direkt buchen bei Jeroma Tours.
Ihre unvergessliche Bhutan Reise - keiner kennt Bhutan besser.



Sonntag, 08. Jul. 2007
12:59 Uhr

Karma is a highly professional tour guide who is dedicated to his work. He is highly knowledgeable in Bhutan's history and culture, but above all he is very well organized and goes the extra mile that makes any trip to Bhutan even more enjoyable. Last-minute changes in tour schedules are beeing managed the same professional way as changes as a result of bad road conditions or weather. He is definitely one of the best guides in Bhutan. I highly recommend Karma for a tour guide in the wonderful land of Thunder Dragon. I came to Bhutan as a guest but I left as a friend ! Tashi delek, dear Karma and see you again in September.
Derek & Sheila

Dienstag, 15. Mai. 2007
08:45 Uhr

We have just returned from our fourth journey through Bhutan with Karma, another trip where every day brought new adventures, experiences and vistas. His knowledge and experience, faultless planning, flexibility and attention to detail lead, as usual, to an utterly memorable and seemingly timeless trip through space and time. His beautiful manners and frequent small acts of thoughtfulness and kindness added extra value to each day's activities. The perfect host and guide to this wonderful country. Thank you, Karma-la.
Eva Dieter

Dienstag, 19. Dez. 2006
09:43 Uhr

Tashi delek - this means so much! But you can only understand the meaning if you experienced Bhutan - the small mysterious kingdom in the Himalayan Mountains. My expectations have been exceeded - and a major contribution on that is because of Karma. He was the real link between us and the country and its people. Without him it would have been an exceptionally landscape with dzongs, temples and smiling people. But with Karma, Bhutan became more than that - he gave the trip a soul, the country a face. So, thank you Karma for the great time we had this November and please take good care about you, your family and your fascinating country!
Tashi delek,

Montag, 18. Dez. 2006
14:41 Uhr

This autumn I have visited Bhutan. Bhutan is a unique and quiet country with a lot of impressive temples and monasteries. The landscape is very diversified and the Bhutanese people are very kindly and hospitable.
Nobody knows Bhutan better than Karma. Karma knows every place of Bhutan, tells a lot of wonderful stories, explains the way of living of Bhutanese people patiently as well as imparts the religion and the philosophy of Buddhism.. Karma leaves nothing to be desired. Therefore I recommend everyone visiting Bhutan with Karma as a well-versed guide.
With best regards, Monika
Thorsten Kühn

Dienstag, 05. Dez. 2006
21:31 Uhr

Dear Karma,
thank you so much for the wonderful time we have spent together in your incredible country. Your experience, your nature and character form a perfect insider partner for Bhutan. We have met several other guides but none was like you! Tashi Delek - you will remain in my heart!
Frieder + 4 friends

Montag, 13. Nov. 2006
15:15 Uhr

Three fantastic weeks in Bhutan!
We, five people from Jena/Germany visited this small Kingdom near to Himalayas from October 16th till November 3rd in 2006. In the forefront of our visit we read and heart a lot of this glamorous country. But our expectations were excelled far and away. It's due to our guide Karma Tenzing the owner of travel agency Jeroma Toursin Bhutan! Karma is an very experienced and excellent classicist of Bhutanese country and people as well as Bhutanese culture and religion. Karma pre-eminently adjusts oneself to our wishes and visions.

At first we traveled from West to East, from Paro via Thimphu, Punakha, Wangdi Phodrang and Trongsa to Jakar in Bumthang and back. Monasteries, Dzongs, Farm Houses, monks, farmers and children as well amazed us again and again.

Second part of our tour was a nine-day Jhomolhari Trek, a really challenge and unforgettable adventure. Together with our guide Karma, a cook, two assistances, two horse men, 12 horses and a lot of package we undergone a little bit of the roof of the world, the Himalayas. We were continuous escorted by mountains, passes, rivers, yak herds, yak herder families and many other surprises.

Jeroma Tours is a really competent and proffesional working travel agency. We recommend to contact Jeromas Tours if you indent to visit Bhutan!

Thank you very much Karma for the nice stay, your hospitality and competent guided tour. Best regards to your team and your family.
We will come back to Jeroma Tours and Bhutan at latest in 2008 to undergo spring time in Bhutan, to get to know a new trek and to learn more about very friendly Bhutanese people and their country.

Let me speak out one wish only in front (maybe a challenge for Jeroma Tours too) : Where we can see and meet the Yeti in 2008?

Tashi Delek!
Frieder and friends!
Erna+Klaus Odermatt

Sonntag, 12. Nov. 2006
12:29 Uhr

Wir bereisten Bhutan Anfang September 2006 mit unserer Familie. Wir alle waren tief beeindruckt von der Lebensweise und der tiefen Religiosität der Bhutanesen.
Karma hat uns sehr viel über sein Land vermittelt. Interessant waren die vielen Geschichten zum Buddhismus, der wirklich auch noch gelebt wird. Bei den Besuchen in den Klöstern durften wir das hautnah erleben.
Karma hat uns immer wieder mit lokalen Spezilitäten überrascht. Er war stets bemüht uns die Reise so angenehm wie möglich zu machen. Mit speziell für mich hergestelltem Pannkuchen aus Buchweizen hat er sogar mein Problem der Mehlunverträglicheit gelöst. Vielen herzlichen Dank, lieber Karma, wir sind immer noch tief beeindruckt von Bhutan und seinen liebenswürdigen Einwohnern.
Kai & Jutta

Mittwoch, 08. Nov. 2006
18:18 Uhr

Karma hat uns auf sehr freundliche, lustige und hoefliche Art und Weise in die exotische, schuetzenswerte Kultur Bhutans eingefuehrt.
Wir sahen viele Dzongs und Tempel und erlebten ein auftregendes Wanderabenteuer.
Karma war immer bemueht unsere Wuensche zu erfuellen. Auch als das Wetter fuer unseren Trek nicht mitspielte hatte er sofort viele andere Ausweichmoeglichkeiten parat, sodass es uns nie langweilig wurde. Vielen Dank lieber Karma!
Kai & Jutta aus Berlin
G. & A. Becker

Montag, 30. Okt. 2006
09:59 Uhr

Wir haben wunderbare Flitterwochen in Bhutan erlebt und uns in diesem ganz besonderen Land sehr, sehr wohl gefühlt. Wir sind schon viel gereist, doch war die Reise nach Bhutan mit so vielen unvergesslichen Momenten die schönste, die wir bisher gemacht haben. Dank der fachkundigen Führung unseres Guides Karma Tensing sind wir sehr fundiert in den tantrischen Buddhismus eingeführt worden und haben viele Klöster und Dzongs und andere sehenswürdige Orte besucht. Wir haben dieses Land mit seiner überwältigenden Natur, seiner tiefen Spiritualität und seinen freundlichen Menschen lieben gelernt. Wir können unseren Führer, der auch stets bemüht war, uns jeden Wunsch von den Augen abzulesen, nur empfehlen und würden uns freuen, wenn unter seiner Obhut auch viele andere Menschen dieses besondere Land kennen lernen. Geduldig hat er uns nicht sehr sportliche Menschen in unserem langsamem Tempo durch die Natur geführt und auch Pferde organisiert, die einen höheren Anstieg leichter machten, obwohl er seit 25 Jahren meist anspruchsvolle und körperlich fordernde Trecking-Touren auch im hohen Himalaya begleitet. Wir sind ihm in tiefer Freundschaft weiterhin eng verbunden und freuen uns schon sehr auf unsere nächste Reise nach Bhutan, die wir im kommenden Jahr planen. Danke, lieber Karma!!
Tashi delek
We spent a wonderful honeymoon in Bhutan und felt so so well in this special country. We travelled much in the past, but this was the nicest travel we ever made, full of unforgetable moments. Thanks to the proficient guide of Karma Tensing we were introduced soundly into the complex tantrical Buddhism und have visited many monasteries and dzongs and other worth seeing places. Now we love this country with its overwhelming nature, its deep spirituality and its kind people. We like to recommend our guide who always tried to anticipate every wish and would be happy if many other people become acquainted with your special land under his care. Patiently he led us not very athletic people in our slow speed through the nature, organized horses to facilitate a
higher climb, although he is mostly used to guide ambitious and physically more demanding trekking tours also in the high Himalaya since 25 years. In deep friendship we still feel us very close to him and look forward with great joy to our next travel to Bhutan we plan to do next year. Thank you, dear Karma!
Tashi delek!

Tashi delek

Gloria and Alfred Becker

Gloria und Alfred Becker
Simon Odermatt

Sonntag, 29. Okt. 2006
20:35 Uhr

If you are ready for an exceptional travel experience which shows you an other way of living and forces you to reflect about positive and negative effects of our modern world, then you have to go to Bhutan. And if you have a thousand questions about Bhutanese history, religion, tradition, nature and people, then you have to travel with Karma Tenzin.
I was so impressed by this great country! A happy nation living in a superb landscape and trying to combine tradition with technical progress. Thank you Karma for your endurance to answer all our questions and for your convenient way of guiding us! Simon Odermatt, Berne, Switzerland